How did you go with your first exercise? 

Just to recap, in Part 1, I wrote about what shaped us when we were kids and why our current reality is based on what we learned until we were 6. Unless we take a hard look at our lives, and why we are the way we are, we will not have the freedom to truly create the success we desire. (If you missed it here is Part 1)

In Part 1, I covered the first step, i.e. to REFLECT on what your beliefs are. Have you been able to get clear about this?

My beliefs about womanhood (based on Part I) was that we are created as a “companion” to men and hence we have been given a supporting role in life, in marriage and in the world. The women I saw in my life were quiet, obedient, always willing to adapt, never prioritized themselves and always gave without expecting anything in return.

So, subconsciously those beliefs impacted the role I played through my adulthood. 

Despite reaching the level of success I did, I didn't feel worthy of success. I was the first educated person i my family (a woman!). I qualified as a Solicitor in the UK and in New York. I held senior management positions overseeing business development, sales and marketing at a board level, yet I felt like an imposter. At a conscious level, I rejected the idea of a woman being “weak”, but at a subconscious level, I was too scared to shine my light when I was surrounded by men. I tried to fit in so that they could feel better about themselves. 

In 2016, I lost 100% of my finances. I was devastated and fell into depression. When I hit rock bottom, I asked myself what must I be to rebuild myself. This required me taking a hard look at my beliefs. Once I realized that my beliefs sabotaged my success, I had to go deeper. I had to ask myself what my beliefs are when it came to women and the role we play at work and at home? I had to then intentionally decide what kind of a woman I want to be and that's when I decided to embrace my power.  

In order to rebuild myself, I needed to choose new beliefs. 
My old beliefs didn't serve me. They were disempowering, sabotaging and prevented me from becoming the best version of myself. 

 What were those beliefs?

Those beliefs included:

1. I shouldn't be successful (I thought, based on society's standards, women belonged in the kitchen)

2. I am not good with money (because managing money was the role of men in my family) 

3. I shouldn't be too smart (I was told that intelligent women intimidate men, so I did my best not to let my light shine)

Once I realized that these beliefs were in complete contradiction to my vision and prevented me to achieve the level of success I desired (perhaps these beliefs led me to my financial loss), I decided to change my beliefs.

Within 2 years after this, I was able to rebuild myself and achieved my 7 figure goal. 

Imagine what this can do for you? 

Here is your next assignment. 

Write down the beliefs you are carrying that do not serve you and your vision. 

Look out for my next post where I discuss more on this strategy. 

Love and Light 






This FREE (yes can you believe it? FREE!!) guide will, not just help you identify what these beliefs are, but also will provide you with easy smart strategies to overcome those beliefs! You can now finally have the confidence to create the life you truly desire.


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